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We are a a laid back clan. We play on xbox one and we mainly play domination and team deathmatch. We play on the Black Ops series but mostly on Black Ops 3. We occasionally play on WW2 but that is if we have a full team willing to play with us. We will have weekly practices and we will game most nights east coast time. We are family oriented so if you join and have a family emergency we will understand. Zorgmustkill does stream occasionally on twitch and he does put stuff up on Youtube. We named the clan ALP after our first initial of each of our children's first names. We are looking to grow into a clan that will build together and understand we will be going to the new Call of Duties as they release. We have simple rules for being in the clan which is don't trash talk your own clan members. Also if your going to play with us that's great just be respectful and helpful and that is really all we ask. We really take note of people whom show up to games and practices as well. That will be a great way to go up our ranks. Th3RealN0reg1a is also the co founder and Zorgmustkill's other fiance so if you want to game with her as well she is ready to game at a moments notice (usually).  If you want more information please go to the contact page and feel free to contact one of us at your leisure.  

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